STEM for Virginia

Starting off as an idea for a peer-to-peer advising network, STEM for Virginia’s main focus has shifted to additionally emphasize public speaking. It is very likely that, at some point in life, you will have to communicate technical results and ideas with someone who may not be in the field. Conversely, you might find yourself as the recipient of information you may not be able to understand and decode immediately.

As such, the group holds weekly meetings in which a presenter gives a talk for ~30 minutes before fielding questions about their presentation. The total duration of each meeting is shorter than an hour to respect members’ time. Outside of these talks, members can contribute to the “Teaching” and “Reviews” pages to field questions about classes they’ve taken while providing honest, objective feedback.

Welcome Slides: Here

Why Communcation? Slides: Here

Current Leadership

President: Mohan Shankar, Major: Chemistry, c/o 2024


Publications: Members are encouraged to post published works here to further expose everyone to different fields. Perhaps it also accompanied a talk that was given!

Talks: Abstracts/summaries to talks given in the group will be posted here. Slides and/or lecture notes will likely also be attached.

Teaching: Members in teaching positions (i.e. TA’s) will post their thoughts on a course as well as recommendations for it.

Member Highlight: Members highlight themselves and interests here.

Reviews: Honest reviews of STEM courses will be posted here. It’s impossible to make informed decisions about classes based solely off of numeric values without context on sites like CourseForum, so the hope of this page is to alleviate vagueness.