CHEM 3410

1 minute read


Student One

Professor: Sergei Egorov

Textbook: Physical Chemistry: A Molecular Approach by Simon and McQuarrie

Semester Taken: Fall, 2023

Intersting: 10/10

Workload: 4/10

10/10 meaning a the most enthralling course ever and ludacris amount of work respectively


  • very interesting/engaging material
  • exams provided good opportunity to problem solve and extend understanding of the material due to lack of time constraints from traditional in-class exams
  • builds knowledge of the subject in a systematic way rather than introducing equations without any proofs/explanation


  • textbook is not good and can (and should) probably be switched out for a newer one
  • the first couple weeks are unnecessarily confusing due to lack of contextualization on the subject (felt like I was just seeing random Greek letters and being expected to understand what they mean without being told what they mean) —> this kind of goes away naturally as you get exposure to the material
  • math may be too difficult given the scant pre-reqs (I disagree but I know it’s a common complaint)

Possible Improvements

  • new textbook (as mentioned above)
  • teaching some things that were not explored in class but showed up on exams (Dirac notation for example)
  • giving context in the first few lectures because it’s a very unfamiliar subject for most students who take it


An overall very informative class that gets a bad reputation from students that may not have the time or will to put in the necessary effort.